乐雅高速(编号G93),是连接四川省乐山市和四川省雅安市的高速公路,全长112.2km(包含峨眉支线高速公路9.51km,雅安连接线一级公路2.79km),于2010年5月乐峨高速开工建设,2013年9月12日乐雅高速公路符溪至雅安水碾坝立交85.70公里主线全面建成通车。乐雅高速双向四车道,设计时速80公里。公司承建该项目LM3标段。 Leshan-Ya'an Expressway: The Expressway connects Leshan City and Ya'an City of Sichuan Province, with the total length of 112.2 km (including the Emeishan Branch Expressway of 9.51 km and the Ya'an Connection Line as a Grade I highway of 2.79 km). The construction of Leshan-Emeishan Expressway began in May 2010, and the main line of the Leshan-Ya'an Expressway was completed and opened to traffic on September 12, 2013, with the length of 85.70 km from Fuxi to the Shuinianba Overpass of Ya'an. The Expressway has two ways and four lanes, with the designed speed of 80 km/h. The company contracted to build the Section LM3. |